Books, Reading Lists

Pride Month May Be Over But Here’s An LGBTQ+ Reading List

Pride may be over, but that doesn't mean we have to stop challenging and educating ourselves. Pride isn't a month, it's an existence for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Hey! I’m Queer. Happy Pride!

Hey, y’all. I’m queer. Pansexual to be specific. This isn’t my coming out. I’m fully out of the closet. If I’m being honest, I never had an I’m-not-straight talk with anyone. It’s just been something that has existed as a solid fact in my life for a decade now. My non-heterosexual identity has been talked about for awhile, but as I get older, I’m feeling the need to live more loudly in my queer identity.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

In Seven Days, I Turn 30 Years Old

In a week, I turn 30. I'm very much looking forward to it, but a small part of me is dreading it. Society deems women of a certain age unworthy of... everything, and I am now about to be a woman of a certain age. There are so many exciting things about aging, but my existence has always and almost solely been validated for the way I look. Who I am is just a bonus to the way I look for the man I'll one day trap/catch. The world has told me so many things about aging and my existence in the world. I would be lying if I said I hadn't ended up on the kitchen floor in a full on panic attack about aging in society.  

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

COVID Came For Us; We Almost Didn’t Make It

I have not been open about the way this year started. We were more than careful, but COVID came for us anyways. Dylan was hospitalized for almost three weeks on the other side of the country and spent two weeks on oxygen and another week before he came home. I floundered at home struggling through my own severe case of COVID and the worry that my partner of five years could never walk through our front door again.

Blog + Dog, In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Happy National Puppy Day from A Pack Mom

Every day is puppy day because I have a pack. It’s a chaotic zoo. A furtacular event. No moment, big or small, goes without the dogs. I attribute it to their being enormous, multitudinous, and very attached to me.