In My Own Words, Lifestyle

In Seven Days, I Turn 30 Years Old

In a week, I turn 30. I'm very much looking forward to it, but a small part of me is dreading it. Society deems women of a certain age unworthy of... everything, and I am now about to be a woman of a certain age. There are so many exciting things about aging, but my existence has always and almost solely been validated for the way I look. Who I am is just a bonus to the way I look for the man I'll one day trap/catch. The world has told me so many things about aging and my existence in the world. I would be lying if I said I hadn't ended up on the kitchen floor in a full on panic attack about aging in society.  

Books, NonFiction

The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off by Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem has the lady-balls to love her writing enough to make a whole book out of her own quotes. I admire this, and I loved it.