Books, NonFiction

The Ice at the End of the World by Jon Gertner

Greenland is more than ice. It’s even more than a history of the world and a predictor of the future at the top of the world. It is a call to action.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

I Will Say “Tampon”

I will say "tampon" because my underwear demon will keep on coming until a doctor gives me a hysterectomy. I'm getting real and funny about tampons and some (not all) of my opinions on them. Also, I've had to show boyfriends how to use them because the education system sucks.

Books, NonFiction

Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking isn’t an anti-social genius. He’s brilliant, no doubt. He’s also witty, sarcastic, charming, and completely relatable in his book Brief Answers for the Big Questions, published posthumously.