11..., Experiences, Lifestyle, Travel

11[ish]… Pictures I Love from Melbourne and the Sapphire Coast

On my second Australian trip this year, the goal was to enjoy getting to BE with my girlfriend but also fall in love with Melbourne. The easiest way for a place to etch itself on my heart, I need to see it as art. So I spend time behind my camera, capturing things I find beautiful.

Experiences, In My Own Words, Lifestyle, Travel

Realizing My Fight for Education at George Peabody Library

George Peabody Library has been the last thing to cross off my bucket list for several years. I finally did in October, and I was overwhelmed. Stendhals Syndrome played a role, but I finally realized the immensity of what I've done. How hard I fought to have an education. As a woman, a gay woman, this library was never meant for me, but I got to stand there as I am, knowing everything I have overcome to be this person and have all the knowledge I do.

Posing in front of the Arc de Triomphe at Paris Casino in Las Vegas.
11..., Experiences, Lifestyle, Travel

11… Ways I Passed the Time in Las Vegas

I spent five lovely days in Las Vegas soaking up as much as I could. I did a whole lot of walking, eating, and people watching. This isn't a travel guide—it's coming—but it is an overview of how I spent a great first vacation since COVID.

Experiences, Travel

Postponing My Scotland Trip Due to COVID-19

2020 has not been the year I hoped it would be. I've canceled so many trips and never planned many more. The trip that broke my heart the most to postpone was my tour of Scotland. I was supposed to be in the Highlands right now, and I'm really bummed about it.