11..., Lifestyle

11… Habits I’m Trying to Re-Form This Summer

I spent 2019 and the beginning of 2020 working really hard to form a consistent and healthy lifestyle. Then February 2020 arrived with a pregnant rescue dog and quarantine quickly followed. My life changed almost instantaneously and all those habits I worked hard to maintain disappeared. I replaced my former self with a frenetic couch schlub, pack mom. I had wanted to have a slew of healthy habits in order by my 30th birthday. Oh hey, that arrived, and I don't have any of those good habits anymore. So I'm slowly working on bringing them back and maybe even some good new ones.

Posing in front of the Arc de Triomphe at Paris Casino in Las Vegas.
11..., Experiences, Lifestyle, Travel

11… Ways I Passed the Time in Las Vegas

I spent five lovely days in Las Vegas soaking up as much as I could. I did a whole lot of walking, eating, and people watching. This isn't a travel guide—it's coming—but it is an overview of how I spent a great first vacation since COVID.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

COVID Came For Us; We Almost Didn’t Make It

I have not been open about the way this year started. We were more than careful, but COVID came for us anyways. Dylan was hospitalized for almost three weeks on the other side of the country and spent two weeks on oxygen and another week before he came home. I floundered at home struggling through my own severe case of COVID and the worry that my partner of five years could never walk through our front door again.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Ways I’m Forgiving Myself

As a human with anxiety, I'm really good at never ever forgiving myself for anything I do. I'm trying to be kinder to myself, which is really hard. But if I don't, how can I expect other people to be kind to me? Anyways, I'm working on forgiving myself for these eleven things. It's a lot, but it's a start.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Hopes for the New Year

I was hoping for an amazing start to the '20s. Instead a global pandemic arrived two months later, changing the social, economic, cultural, and all the other landscapes of the world. I have never been one for resolutions or goals, but I have hopes for 2021, and I will keep those in mind in the coming days and months.