11..., Lifestyle

11… Habits I’m Trying to Re-Form This Summer

I spent 2019 and the beginning of 2020 working really hard to form a consistent and healthy lifestyle. Then February 2020 arrived with a pregnant rescue dog and quarantine quickly followed. My life changed almost instantaneously and all those habits I worked hard to maintain disappeared. I replaced my former self with a frenetic couch schlub, pack mom. I had wanted to have a slew of healthy habits in order by my 30th birthday. Oh hey, that arrived, and I don't have any of those good habits anymore. So I'm slowly working on bringing them back and maybe even some good new ones.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Hopes for the New Year

I was hoping for an amazing start to the '20s. Instead a global pandemic arrived two months later, changing the social, economic, cultural, and all the other landscapes of the world. I have never been one for resolutions or goals, but I have hopes for 2021, and I will keep those in mind in the coming days and months.

Blog + Dog, Lifestyle

Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family. This is not an April Fools' joke. It is real life. Five weeks ago, our lives changed dramatically by a split second decision of mine. A week later, our lives changed even more. Today, we're proud, happy, and tired parents of quite the circus. Dylan, RaeAnna, one rescue dog, a former street dog, and thirteen miracle puppies.