Books, NonFiction

Raygun Humble Brags in The Midwest: God’s Gift to Planet Earth

Raygun writes more than quippy sayings for shirts; they also write books. As a proud Iowa native, I love when someone else brags about how great the Midwest is. Raygun does just that in The Midwest: God's Gift to Planet Earth. No exaggeration. We may only be 67 million strong, but that's enough people to earn a reputation as a region home to the attractive and nice. Don't take my word for it, take Raygun's!

Experiences, In My Own Words, Lifestyle, Travel

Derecho: Iowa’s $4 Billion Storm No One Talks About

On Monday, August 10, 2020 a storm swept across the Midwest causing $4 billion in damages that will have economic effects felt around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected, but national media hardly said a word. Iowans have been left behind to pick up, rebuild, find a way through, and wonder why the world didn't care.

11..., Experiences, Lifestyle, Travel

11… Of My Home For A Midwestern Holidays Activities

11... Of My Home For A Midwestern Holidays Activities

I did a whole bunch of things over the winter holidays. Some great, some sad, some boring.

Books, Fiction, NonFiction

American Indian Stories by Zitkála-Šá

November is National Native American Heritage Month. I read American Indian Stories by Zitkála-Šá, and it is heartbreaking and beautiful. I have many things to say about this one.

Experiences, Travel

Jim’s Apple Farm; Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store

I love candy. I don’t it eat the way I used to, but I love candy. It triggers the happiness centers in my soul.  Jim's Apple Farm is definitely a slice of heaven on earth for me.