Books, NonFiction

Raygun Humble Brags in The Midwest: God’s Gift to Planet Earth

Raygun writes more than quippy sayings for shirts; they also write books. As a proud Iowa native, I love when someone else brags about how great the Midwest is. Raygun does just that in The Midwest: God's Gift to Planet Earth. No exaggeration. We may only be 67 million strong, but that's enough people to earn a reputation as a region home to the attractive and nice. Don't take my word for it, take Raygun's!

11..., Lifestyle

11… Books for Women’s History Month

I don't celebrate Women's History Month in my reading list like I celebrate other heritage months because almost everything I read is devoted to women and our stories. If you're looking for inspiration, here are eleven great books by, for, and about women!

11..., Experiences, Lifestyle, Travel

11… Of My Home For A Midwestern Holidays Activities

11... Of My Home For A Midwestern Holidays Activities

I did a whole bunch of things over the winter holidays. Some great, some sad, some boring.