Books, Reading Lists

A Reading List with Political Ramifications

I've been exceptionally terrible at writing book reviews for the books I've read over the last two years, so I'm doing reading lists to clear out my book closet and give myself a fresh start. Here's a list of books with political ramifications!

Books, Reading Lists

11… Books I’m Excited to Read This Fall

I've been reading so much lately without posting almost any book critiques over the past year and a half. Here's a list of books that are on the very tippy top of my reading list this fall. Hopefully I get around to actually posting something about these in a relatively soon time frame.

Books, Reading Lists

Pride Month May Be Over But Here’s An LGBTQ+ Reading List

Pride may be over, but that doesn't mean we have to stop challenging and educating ourselves. Pride isn't a month, it's an existence for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community.

Books, Reading Lists

Books to Read This Spring 2021

Well... I'm only behind 48 book reviews. Instead of drowning myself and you in book reviews, I've decided to round them up. It makes my life much easier, and also won't bore you with nothing but book content for months on end because that is exactly what it would turn into.