Books, Fiction, Reading Lists

11… Of My Favorite Christmas Books to Read

It's been hard getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I'm sure I'm not the only one. There are also a lot of crap Christmas novels out there, so I made a list of my favorite eleven to save you some time and pain.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Books for Women’s History Month

I don't celebrate Women's History Month in my reading list like I celebrate other heritage months because almost everything I read is devoted to women and our stories. If you're looking for inspiration, here are eleven great books by, for, and about women!

11..., Reading Lists

11… Black Writers I LOVE

I would not be the person I am today without these authors, their stories, the characters, and the challenges they gave me to face in the mirror and the world. Black authors have done more to open my mind than any other demographic.

Books, Reading Lists

Cruise Reading List

I am taking my first actual days off from work in years. I normally bring work with me, but I'm taking three days to focus on the ocean and these books.