11..., Lifestyle, So Gay

11… Reasons I’m Proud… of Myself

Being proud of other people is so easy for me, but finding an ounce of pride for, in, myself... impossibly hard. So, in the vein of loving hard things and being a better person, I decided to give myself this exercise in self-harm, I mean, self-love. I'm doing my best, I didn't say I was doing great.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle, So Gay

Six Years Can Change Everything, But We’re Still Here

To the man who has allowed me the safety, freedom, and unconditional love to be myself exactly as I am: I will die loving you. You’re also a huge fucking pain in my ass, and I would not change a single thing about our journey. Thank you for sticking by me as I continue to evolve and find out who I am.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Past Me Would Be So Disappointed In Present Me

I hate motivational mantras... But my least favorite are the "If past you could see you now, they'd be so proud." No. Past me would be very disappointed and even angry at the way my life looks now. I don't think this mantra is targeted at over achievers who were abused emotionally/psychologically/financially/physically/sexually over the course of 23(ish) years. But I'm not dead!