Books, Reading Lists

A Reading List with Political Ramifications

I've been exceptionally terrible at writing book reviews for the books I've read over the last two years, so I'm doing reading lists to clear out my book closet and give myself a fresh start. Here's a list of books with political ramifications!

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Four Years Later; Unpublished, Open Letter to My Dad

I walk through this world as a woman. In 2016, as a woman, a survivor of rape and domestic violence, I was devastated. I love my father more than anything, but he failed me when he voted for Trump. On inauguration day in 2017, I wrote a letter to my dad I never sent. Today, we welcomed hope into the Oval Office in a historic moment, but this letter has lived in my heart for four years. Even though we voted hate out, we have much work to do. Four years later, this letter still holds true for every one of the 74 million men and women who voted for Trump in 2020.

Books, NonFiction

Humanization of Donald Trump in Mary L. Trump’s Too Much and Never Enough

Mary L. Trump is Donald Trump's only niece and a doctor of clinical psychology. She has more reasons than most to eviscerate Donald, but she humanizes him, giving background to one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world.

Books, NonFiction

The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off by Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem has the lady-balls to love her writing enough to make a whole book out of her own quotes. I admire this, and I loved it.

Books, NonFiction

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is funny, complex, intelligent, thoughtful, realistic, loyal, hopefully, and more. It’s so easy to water down a person to the image presented by the media; more often than not, she was left to be the woman standing behind the man in the white house. Up until Becoming, I knew very little about her life outside of the basics.

Books, Fiction

A River of Stars by Vanessa Hua

Vanessa Hua gives immigration a story in A River of Stars, which is much needed right now in the unstable political climate. Immigration is a hot topic. Sometimes, I think, we forget we're not just talking about an issue, we're talking about people's lives and the lives of their children.