11..., Lifestyle

11… Ways I’m Forgiving Myself

As a human with anxiety, I'm really good at never ever forgiving myself for anything I do. I'm trying to be kinder to myself, which is really hard. But if I don't, how can I expect other people to be kind to me? Anyways, I'm working on forgiving myself for these eleven things. It's a lot, but it's a start.

Blog + Dog, In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Isolation Creation

My quarantine hasn't been filled with finding a new passion, getting in shape, writing the next great American novel, or baking sourdough bread. I haven't been able to be apart of #isolationcreation the way I wish I could've been. My version was raising the puppies.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Reasons Amanda is Amazing and Perfection

Amanda is one of my closest friends. I have started calling her My Personal Patron Saint. She has done so much for me in the last two years... And she's out done herself by opening up her home to me, Tess, and all the puppies because we are not able to stay in our apartment. I am beyond blessed to have her in my life.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Due Date-Versary

Today is my Due Date-Versary. Had my body done its basic, biologically female task of staying pregnant five years ago, I would be celebrating my child's fifth birthday. Instead, I'm focusing on the happiness in my life. The joys I have today because I had a miscarriage instead of a baby.