In My Own Words, Lifestyle

I Disowned My Parents So I Could Survive and Write

I have chosen to take the unpopular route: Disowning my parents. It's a hard decision, and one I live with every day. But it is the best thing for me. Over two years no contact, it's only been in the last six months words and stories have started pouring out of me.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

What Self Worth?

Self worth is something I place a high priority on... in other people. It doesn't even exist in my emotional vernacular. The entirety of my life, my worth has based on my appearance and what I can provide to others. Worth and love have always been transactional. I'm no innocent, but I have been left to fend for myself, scrounging for and happily accepting any love, even if all the only love I can find has been coupled with abuse and rape.



Sofka Zinovieff's Putney is a complex look into the psyches of the abuser, the abused, and the observer. This is not a normal review because of my past with sexual assault, I decided to add a biased and personal review of this novel.