I love tradition. Vehemently. Whenever something brings me joy, there's a good chance I'll turn it into a tradition. I have so many small traditions that make the drudgery of every day life less drudgy.
Tag: Writer
I Disowned My Parents So I Could Survive and Write
I have chosen to take the unpopular route: Disowning my parents. It's a hard decision, and one I live with every day. But it is the best thing for me. Over two years no contact, it's only been in the last six months words and stories have started pouring out of me.
I Have Been Self Censoring
"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." Friedrich Nietzsche
On Anxiety: Getting Lost in the Woods
Anxiety is something I have always lived with. So often, I can't name the thing making me anxious because it is all of the things all at once all of the time.
Books to Read This Spring 2021
Well... I'm only behind 48 book reviews. Instead of drowning myself and you in book reviews, I've decided to round them up. It makes my life much easier, and also won't bore you with nothing but book content for months on end because that is exactly what it would turn into.
11… Ways I’m Forgiving Myself
As a human with anxiety, I'm really good at never ever forgiving myself for anything I do. I'm trying to be kinder to myself, which is really hard. But if I don't, how can I expect other people to be kind to me? Anyways, I'm working on forgiving myself for these eleven things. It's a lot, but it's a start.