11..., Lifestyle

11… Signs I Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Military [Dudes]

It's been six years of being actively military adjacent. I have some opinions and feelings about the whole situation. Love my USMC even when they irritate me. Boy do they irritate me a lot. I'm talking about everything from balls to deployments to family day to the [fucking] VA.

Books, NonFiction

Thank You For My Service by Mat Best

Thank You For My Service by Mat Best is one of the better military memoirs I've read. He's a badass, I guess... I think he would've been cooler as a Marine, though. I'm not biased. As military adjacent, I like reading up on military nonfiction/memoirs, but as a critic, I'm wary because I've read some racist bullshit masquerading as a war memoir. I was surprised be this one and kept giggling by Best's turn of phrase.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle


Six years. Three deployments. One homecoming. A week ago, Alex came home from his last deployment.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Military Movies

The military has been a part of my life for a long time. I don't crumble at much, but I will during a military movie. What's entertainment for others is a chilling reminder of a plausible reality for the military man in my life.


Eight Years

There are people who come into our lives and change everything. Alex is that person to me. He is written on my soul.

Travel, Travel Guides

A Fabulous Disaster

I like plans. I like plans a lot. This trip had no plans. The only plans were the plane tickets. Had there been plans, they would have been derailed by Hurricane Florence. I flew in and evacuated an hour layer. Other than a brief hiccup cured by a good cry in a moldy shower, this was an absolute blast of a disaster vacation with my best friend.