In My Own Words, Lifestyle

End of An Era

It's an end of an era. With DD 214 in hand, Alex is leaving the Marines to go home for good today. It may not officially be a military love-story, but there's love and it's a story. The Sergeant is done.

Books, NonFiction

Thank You For My Service by Mat Best

Thank You For My Service by Mat Best is one of the better military memoirs I've read. He's a badass, I guess... I think he would've been cooler as a Marine, though. I'm not biased. As military adjacent, I like reading up on military nonfiction/memoirs, but as a critic, I'm wary because I've read some racist bullshit masquerading as a war memoir. I was surprised be this one and kept giggling by Best's turn of phrase.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Military Movies

The military has been a part of my life for a long time. I don't crumble at much, but I will during a military movie. What's entertainment for others is a chilling reminder of a plausible reality for the military man in my life.