In My Own Words, Lifestyle

End of An Era

It's an end of an era. With DD 214 in hand, Alex is leaving the Marines to go home for good today. It may not officially be a military love-story, but there's love and it's a story. The Sergeant is done.

Experiences, Style, Travel

So Long, Jacksonville

So Long, Jacksonville! I flew in for the first time EXACTLY five years ago today. I'm flying in for, likely, the last time. I was not immediately smitten, but I've grown to love it.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle


Six years. Three deployments. One homecoming. A week ago, Alex came home from his last deployment.

Travel, Travel Guides

A Fabulous Disaster

I like plans. I like plans a lot. This trip had no plans. The only plans were the plane tickets. Had there been plans, they would have been derailed by Hurricane Florence. I flew in and evacuated an hour layer. Other than a brief hiccup cured by a good cry in a moldy shower, this was an absolute blast of a disaster vacation with my best friend.