In My Own Words, Lifestyle

End of An Era

It's an end of an era. With DD 214 in hand, Alex is leaving the Marines to go home for good today. It may not officially be a military love-story, but there's love and it's a story. The Sergeant is done.

Experiences, Travel

New Bern, North Carolina: Birthplace of Pepsi-Cola

New Bern, North Carolina is one of the cutest towns I've ever seen. Not only is it the second oldest town in NC, it's the Birthplace of Pepsi-Cola. Everything about the town makes it absolutely worth the day trip!

Experiences, Style, Travel

So Long, Jacksonville

So Long, Jacksonville! I flew in for the first time EXACTLY five years ago today. I'm flying in for, likely, the last time. I was not immediately smitten, but I've grown to love it.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Military Movies

The military has been a part of my life for a long time. I don't crumble at much, but I will during a military movie. What's entertainment for others is a chilling reminder of a plausible reality for the military man in my life.