Books, Fiction

Claustrophobic and Voyeuristic Nature of High Society in Gervais Hagerty’s In Polite Company

In her debut novel, Hagerty creates a moving and captivating piece about the limitations placed on women to stay the course and not make waves. In Polite Company is all the things one could hope for in a book about existing in the claustrophobic and voyeuristic society of the rich and powerful. It's good, but it's not great.

Travel, Travel Guides

Charleston, South Carolina

I almost didn't get to go to Charleston. I was only there for a little while, but it was an amazing little while. The city is spectacular. I can't wait to go back.

Travel, Travel Guides

A Fabulous Disaster

I like plans. I like plans a lot. This trip had no plans. The only plans were the plane tickets. Had there been plans, they would have been derailed by Hurricane Florence. I flew in and evacuated an hour layer. Other than a brief hiccup cured by a good cry in a moldy shower, this was an absolute blast of a disaster vacation with my best friend.