In My Own Words, Lifestyle

I Disowned My Parents So I Could Survive and Write

I have chosen to take the unpopular route: Disowning my parents. It's a hard decision, and one I live with every day. But it is the best thing for me. Over two years no contact, it's only been in the last six months words and stories have started pouring out of me.

Experiences, In My Own Words, Lifestyle, Travel

Realizing My Fight for Education at George Peabody Library

George Peabody Library has been the last thing to cross off my bucket list for several years. I finally did in October, and I was overwhelmed. Stendhals Syndrome played a role, but I finally realized the immensity of what I've done. How hard I fought to have an education. As a woman, a gay woman, this library was never meant for me, but I got to stand there as I am, knowing everything I have overcome to be this person and have all the knowledge I do.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Did Breaking My Hand Break My Spirit

Life has been a traumatic, but I've put a lot of work into healing so I can be good to myself so I can be a good human to everyone. Even in the worst times when I had no control over my life, I had control over my body... I'd been restricted before with everything from a torn ACL to sprained feet; as a dancer, injuries happened. This. A broken dominant hand as a writer is very different. I felt like I was slowly dying.