11..., Lifestyle

11… Reasons Amanda is Amazing and Perfection

Amanda is one of my closest friends. I have started calling her My Personal Patron Saint. She has done so much for me in the last two years... And she's out done herself by opening up her home to me, Tess, and all the puppies because we are not able to stay in our apartment. I am beyond blessed to have her in my life.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

End of An Era

It's an end of an era. With DD 214 in hand, Alex is leaving the Marines to go home for good today. It may not officially be a military love-story, but there's love and it's a story. The Sergeant is done.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Happy Birthday Kelsey

There are people who make you. There are people who break you. There are very few people who sign up for the good, the bad, the worse, the horrible, the healing. Unconditional love is rare, but I found it in my best friend. Happy Birthday to the other half of the greatest love story of my life.

Books, Fiction

A River of Stars by Vanessa Hua

Vanessa Hua gives immigration a story in A River of Stars, which is much needed right now in the unstable political climate. Immigration is a hot topic. Sometimes, I think, we forget we're not just talking about an issue, we're talking about people's lives and the lives of their children.