In My Own Words, Lifestyle

In Seven Days, I Turn 30 Years Old

In a week, I turn 30. I'm very much looking forward to it, but a small part of me is dreading it. Society deems women of a certain age unworthy of... everything, and I am now about to be a woman of a certain age. There are so many exciting things about aging, but my existence has always and almost solely been validated for the way I look. Who I am is just a bonus to the way I look for the man I'll one day trap/catch. The world has told me so many things about aging and my existence in the world. I would be lying if I said I hadn't ended up on the kitchen floor in a full on panic attack about aging in society.  

Blog + Dog, In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Isolation Creation

My quarantine hasn't been filled with finding a new passion, getting in shape, writing the next great American novel, or baking sourdough bread. I haven't been able to be apart of #isolationcreation the way I wish I could've been. My version was raising the puppies.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Due Date-Versary

Today is my Due Date-Versary. Had my body done its basic, biologically female task of staying pregnant five years ago, I would be celebrating my child's fifth birthday. Instead, I'm focusing on the happiness in my life. The joys I have today because I had a miscarriage instead of a baby.