In honor of a week since Hurricane Beryl swept over Houston, Texas, I am sharing some musings I wrote while I was without A/C, power, and cell signal. I also took pretty pictures... At least, pretty to me.
Tag: Texas
11… Ways I Try to Show Up for My People
I have always been lonely. I have always wanted to make sure no one feels the same. So I do my best to show up for my people on their good days but especially on their bad. I fail at it often, but I try. People need to know they're important and valued and wanted for exactly who they are.
11… Unusual Traditions I Made Up
I love tradition. Vehemently. Whenever something brings me joy, there's a good chance I'll turn it into a tradition. I have so many small traditions that make the drudgery of every day life less drudgy.
Gay A Synonym For Happy, So Gay Pride 2022
Gay is a synonym for happy, so here’s to a Gay Fucking Pride and celebrating exactly who we are because we are exceptional.
Easy Fall Reading List
Since I've been so bad at posting book reviews this past year.... or so. Here's a list of easy reading for your fall. My fall looks a lot different than the Insta worthy hashtags because I live in Houston, and I'll enjoy my week of fall weather sometimes in February.
Cost of Being a Dog Mom to A Pack of Six
I love having a home full of dogs. I want to talk to y'all about the actual cost of raising and maintaining six dogs in a responsible way. It's expensive, worth it, but expensive.