Books, Fiction

Christmas at Thompson Hall & Other Christmas Stories by Anthony Trollope

Anthony Trollope is an amazing novelist. He brings so much empathy and intensity to the crazy characters filling his stories.

Books, Fiction

The Farm by Joanne Ramos

The Farm by Joanne Ramos is heartbreaking and infuriating. She has quite a literary career ahead of her if this is what she brings to the table with her debut novel.

Books, Fiction

China Rich Girlfriend

The fast paced and drama filled plot covers up the poorly developed characters. It's a fun summer read, but completely lacking in depth.

Books, Fiction

Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin

Fire and Blood by George R. R. Marting is a testament to his genius. It takes an incredible mind to flesh out a fantastical history from nothing. I'm sad to see Game of Thrones last episode tomorrow night. I'll need to find a new obsession. Also I had a lot of fun dressing up in a burgundy ball gown.