Books, NonFiction

Racial Consciousness in Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong

Asians have been a part of the fabric of the United States for as long as the country has existed, yet they are often over looked, forgotten, and excluded. Cathy Park Hong explores racial consciousness and her own feelings of shame and sadness in her book and theory Minor Feelings.

Books, Fiction

China Rich Girlfriend

The fast paced and drama filled plot covers up the poorly developed characters. It's a fun summer read, but completely lacking in depth.

Books, NonFiction

Under Red Skies by Karoline Kan

This is one of those memoirs you'll start reading and find your hand over your heart. This one story represents thousands and thousands of untold stories. Kan's coming of age memoir touches on China's one-child policy, hukou, forced, sterilization, religion, and much more.

Books, NonFiction

Last Boat Out of Shanghai by Helen Zia

Helen Zia brings a human and personal aspect to the struggle and resilience of the thousands of people fleeing Shanghai during the communist revolution.

Books, Fiction

Crazy Rich Asians – Book and Movie

I loved watching the movie last night, and I power read through the book on Monday. I love seeing POC represented in the media. Also Asian men are hot.