11..., Lifestyle

11… Things I Learned Camping the Grand Canyon

I wanted to make my solo camping trip to the Grand Canyon more than just time to center myself, connect with nature, and escape life's hustle. Driving through Arizona as the sun rose, I knew I wanted to take the opportunity to learn and challenge myself to find the people who lived in and around the Canyon for thousands of years before white people arrived to fuck shit up.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Habits I’m Trying to Re-Form This Summer

I spent 2019 and the beginning of 2020 working really hard to form a consistent and healthy lifestyle. Then February 2020 arrived with a pregnant rescue dog and quarantine quickly followed. My life changed almost instantaneously and all those habits I worked hard to maintain disappeared. I replaced my former self with a frenetic couch schlub, pack mom. I had wanted to have a slew of healthy habits in order by my 30th birthday. Oh hey, that arrived, and I don't have any of those good habits anymore. So I'm slowly working on bringing them back and maybe even some good new ones.

11..., Blog + Dog, Lifestyle

11… Ways Tessa Changed My Life in 366 Days

A year ago last Friday, I picked a heavily pregnant dog up off the street. I ended up keeping her and raising her thirteen puppies. I accidentally kept four of those puppies. I had no idea how much my life would change when I brought her home, but I am a better person because of it.

11..., Baked Goods, In The Kitchen, Lifestyle

11… Kitchen To Dos in 2021 and Chocolate Mousse Crêpe Cake Recipe

2021 is going to be my year of trying and conquering some recipes I've never attempted due to reasons (and fear). I'll try one thing from my list a month, so I don't overwhelm myself and quit. Things like Bûche de Noël, Kringla, and gluten free baking appear. Oh, I'm also sharing my chocolate mousse crêpe cake recipe because yummmm!!!!