In My Own Words, Lifestyle

End of An Era

It's an end of an era. With DD 214 in hand, Alex is leaving the Marines to go home for good today. It may not officially be a military love-story, but there's love and it's a story. The Sergeant is done.

Books, NonFiction

Escape from Paris by Stephen Harding

Escape from Paris by Stephen Harding tells the unlikely story of how a German stronghold in the center of Paris became the safest place to hide American refugees.

Experiences, Style, Travel

So Long, Jacksonville

So Long, Jacksonville! I flew in for the first time EXACTLY five years ago today. I'm flying in for, likely, the last time. I was not immediately smitten, but I've grown to love it.

Blog + Dog

Water Dog

After adopting Beau, I was thrilled to find out she loves the water and doesn't take crap from a gaggle of audacious ducks. With the Texas heat being turned on high for ten months out of the year, we've been pooling, beaching, all around watering it up for two and a half years.

Books, Fiction

The Farm by Joanne Ramos

The Farm by Joanne Ramos is heartbreaking and infuriating. She has quite a literary career ahead of her if this is what she brings to the table with her debut novel.