11..., Lifestyle

11… Ways I Try to Show Up for My People

I have always been lonely. I have always wanted to make sure no one feels the same. So I do my best to show up for my people on their good days but especially on their bad. I fail at it often, but I try. People need to know they're important and valued and wanted for exactly who they are.

Books, Reading Lists

Pride Month May Be Over But Here’s An LGBTQ+ Reading List

Pride may be over, but that doesn't mean we have to stop challenging and educating ourselves. Pride isn't a month, it's an existence for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Hey! I’m Queer. Happy Pride!

Hey, y’all. I’m queer. Pansexual to be specific. This isn’t my coming out. I’m fully out of the closet. If I’m being honest, I never had an I’m-not-straight talk with anyone. It’s just been something that has existed as a solid fact in my life for a decade now. My non-heterosexual identity has been talked about for awhile, but as I get older, I’m feeling the need to live more loudly in my queer identity.