In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Due Date-Versary

Today is my Due Date-Versary. Had my body done its basic, biologically female task of staying pregnant five years ago, I would be celebrating my child's fifth birthday. Instead, I'm focusing on the happiness in my life. The joys I have today because I had a miscarriage instead of a baby.

Books, Fiction

The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus

The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum is one of my favorite Christmas books. It's such a sweet story filled with adventure and also learning lessons we could all use.

Houston, In My Own Words, Lifestyle, On the Town

Tuesday Date Day #2

Tuesday Date Day #2 The first Tuesday of every month, we plan a day full of surprises because we like each other and it gets us off the couch and seeing things in Houston.