11..., Lifestyle

11… Fun Facts I Know and Love to Share

Knowledge is power. At the very least, the more I know, the more I know, and I really like knowing things. I'm full of and willing to share fun facts because I'm always looking up things I don't know, and there's a lot I don't know. So my Google search history varies wildly. Anyways, here are eleven fun facts I can think of off the top of my head.

Books, Reading Lists

Books to Read This Spring 2021

Well... I'm only behind 48 book reviews. Instead of drowning myself and you in book reviews, I've decided to round them up. It makes my life much easier, and also won't bore you with nothing but book content for months on end because that is exactly what it would turn into.

Books, NonFiction

Childhood Trauma in Alan Cummings’ Not My Father’s Son

A beautifully honest dive into heartbreaking memories that helped create an incredible talent in actor Alan Cummings. He revisits the childhood trauma and violence endured from his father with the grace and raw honesty any survivor can relate to.

Books, NonFiction

Racial Consciousness in Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong

Asians have been a part of the fabric of the United States for as long as the country has existed, yet they are often over looked, forgotten, and excluded. Cathy Park Hong explores racial consciousness and her own feelings of shame and sadness in her book and theory Minor Feelings.

Books, NonFiction

Humanization of Donald Trump in Mary L. Trump’s Too Much and Never Enough

Mary L. Trump is Donald Trump's only niece and a doctor of clinical psychology. She has more reasons than most to eviscerate Donald, but she humanizes him, giving background to one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world.