Books, Fiction, NonFiction

American Indian Stories by Zitkála-Šá

November is National Native American Heritage Month. I read American Indian Stories by Zitkála-Šá, and it is heartbreaking and beautiful. I have many things to say about this one.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

Instagram Tax

Instagram tax isn't a real thing, but our wallets feel it just the same. Consumers and content creators are always on the lookout for the next thing. That aesthetic costs money, and we're paying for those pictures.

Books, NonFiction

The Art of Leaving by Ayelet Tsabari

A memoir about leaving yet searching. The need for home and being truly one's self is a deeply rooted emotion driving Ayelet Tsabari on a journey spanning the world.


Easter Outfits

Easter is about more than just getting a new outfit. I will be spending it with my parents in Iowa. Obviously, I'm making them hide eggs for me because I'm not terribly good at adulting.

Books, Reading Lists

Cruise Reading List

I am taking my first actual days off from work in years. I normally bring work with me, but I'm taking three days to focus on the ocean and these books.

Blog + Dog, Style

Christmas Tree Hunting

Christmas Tree Hunting is a family tradition. I've done it almost every year of my existence. Beau has come with every year she has been with us! This year we even matched all our outfits!