Being proud of other people is so easy for me, but finding an ounce of pride for, in, myself... impossibly hard. So, in the vein of loving hard things and being a better person, I decided to give myself this exercise in self-harm, I mean, self-love. I'm doing my best, I didn't say I was doing great.
Beau Is Back at the Beach
Mom guilt is real. Yes, I am talking abou the guilt of being a dog mom. BUT!!! I forgot, FORGOT, to make time to take Beau to her happiest place on the planet (aside from couch) for three YEARS!!! I fixed it last week, but I am the worst.
A Stack of Novels I Read Once Upon A Time
I read these books too long ago to actually review them. So I’m not going to. I also took the picture with these for a roundup so long ago I not only had bangs but long hair. So enjoy the flashback.
11… Memories We’ve Made Over Seven Years
Today marks seven years of doing life with Dylan. Our family is about as far from traditional as we could possibly be, and yet we’re still here making it work every day. We've had good years and bad years and in between years. He can be a real asshat sometimes, but in a world where I question how everyone feels about me, he's made sure I never question if he loves me. At the end of the day, I have spent seven years with my best friend and pawtner. He was not the fling I meant him to be, but my life is better because he came into it.
For Ocho
I tattooed his name in the place he just loved to bite as a reminder of all that he had done for me. I had no idea what he would go on to do. He saved his mom from me. He has saved me from me so many more times.
11… Ways I Try to Show Up for My People
I have always been lonely. I have always wanted to make sure no one feels the same. So I do my best to show up for my people on their good days but especially on their bad. I fail at it often, but I try. People need to know they're important and valued and wanted for exactly who they are.