In honor of a week since Hurricane Beryl swept over Houston, Texas, I am sharing some musings I wrote while I was without A/C, power, and cell signal. I also took pretty pictures... At least, pretty to me.
Category: Houston
I am now a Houstonian. It’s a fun city. I’m doing my best to explore all the nooks and crannies!
Tuesday Date Day #2
Tuesday Date Day #2
The first Tuesday of every month, we plan a day full of surprises because we like each other and it gets us off the couch and seeing things in Houston.
Three Years and A Sweet Cup
It's been three years since I moved to Houston. I was incredibly poor, and the only thing I could afford was gelato, so I found Sweet Cup Gelato. To this day, it still tastes like Houston to me.
Small Business Saturday
I like to shop local. I like to shop small business. When I can support a friend, it's even better! I stopped by my friend Natasha's pop-up, Burd and Burdie, in River Oaks to celebrate Small Business Saturday.
Kaboom Books
Kaboom Books is a beautiful local bookstore in Houston, Texas. Home to a cat and over 100,000 books, it is the perfect destination.
Tea Sip
Happy Small Business Saturday. I shopped local at Tea Sip in the Heights of Houston, Texas.