Books, Fiction

Prevailing Impacts of Cishet Normativity in Torrey Peters’ Detransition, Baby

Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters allows readers into the daily struggle of what that looks like for queer and trans women from the very first page with humor, tenacity, and the mundane acceptance that this is life.

Books, Fiction

Claustrophobic and Voyeuristic Nature of High Society in Gervais Hagerty’s In Polite Company

In her debut novel, Hagerty creates a moving and captivating piece about the limitations placed on women to stay the course and not make waves. In Polite Company is all the things one could hope for in a book about existing in the claustrophobic and voyeuristic society of the rich and powerful. It's good, but it's not great.

Books, Reading Lists

A Reading List with Political Ramifications

I've been exceptionally terrible at writing book reviews for the books I've read over the last two years, so I'm doing reading lists to clear out my book closet and give myself a fresh start. Here's a list of books with political ramifications!