Books, NonFiction

The Black Book

The Black Book is a heartbreaking history of Africans’ struggle to gain humanity, recognition, rights, and the hope for equality and citizenship in America from 1619 through the 1940s.

Books, NonFiction

The Ice at the End of the World by Jon Gertner

Greenland is more than ice. It’s even more than a history of the world and a predictor of the future at the top of the world. It is a call to action.

Books, Fiction

You Think It, I’ll Say It by Curtis Sittenfeld

You Think It, I'll Say It by @CSittenfeld from @randomhouse is a collection of short stories chronicling and eviscerating characters navigating everyday problems of the modern era and socioeconomic status, gender, and love.

Books, NonFiction

Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

Jia Tolentino talks about how fucked up society is in her bestselling book, Trick Mirror. I want to be Jia Tolentino’s friend. a) She talks about good books. b) She’s probably smarter than I am, so she’d be interesting to talk to. c) She seems hilarious.

Books, Fiction

The Farm by Joanne Ramos

The Farm by Joanne Ramos is heartbreaking and infuriating. She has quite a literary career ahead of her if this is what she brings to the table with her debut novel.