11..., Lifestyle

11… Phrases Partners Have Uttered in the Past

I'm single, but I’ve dated. 31, never married, no kids. I have yet to make someone projectile vomit when they look upon me. I have a pretty successful career, not lucrative, but successful. I’m tall. I wouldn’t say I’m a catch, but I have enough going for me that I could catch a date if I felt so inclined. I'm pretty confident, and I genuinely don't hate who I am. I have spent a good bit of my adulthood in relationships with people, and some of them have said some things that have somehow not affected my confidence. I like other people's opinions about me. Most of the time, it helps me grow... But these, not so much.

In My Own Words, Lifestyle

COVID Came For Us; We Almost Didn’t Make It

I have not been open about the way this year started. We were more than careful, but COVID came for us anyways. Dylan was hospitalized for almost three weeks on the other side of the country and spent two weeks on oxygen and another week before he came home. I floundered at home struggling through my own severe case of COVID and the worry that my partner of five years could never walk through our front door again.