Books, NonFiction

Code Girls by Liza Mundy

Women are incredible, and they have been forever. During WWII, women were finally able to contribute and show their worth as code breakers. They were so integral to the war effort, for the first time in the United States, they were actively recruited.

Books, NonFiction

To Obama by Jeanne Marie Laskas

A snapshot into the hearts of America. Oh my goodness. I cried so much. FIlled with real letters from real Americans with real joys, worries, sorrows, and more. It’s hard not to be affected by it.

Books, Fiction

How to Love a Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs

In How to Love a Jamaican, Alexia Arthurs compiles a book full of resonating short stories. I can’t stop thinking about the various characters and stories she tells. Also, she went to the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Yay Iowa!



Sofka Zinovieff's Putney is a complex look into the psyches of the abuser, the abused, and the observer. This is not a normal review because of my past with sexual assault, I decided to add a biased and personal review of this novel.