Books, NonFiction

How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson

How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson is a hilarious and insightful look into the weird world of dating as a semi aware person with a love hate relationship for the opposite gender. Roberson is wildly honest about her Timothee Chalamet obsession, but who am I to judge with my love for bagpipes. She's funny, deep, smart, and intensely real.

11..., Lifestyle


11... is a new blog series to be published on Mondays, or as many Mondays as I can muster. To be published at 11:11 because it's cute and cliche. Sometimes I like that just not in plots; unless I'm the one writing the plot, then it's original and captivating. The first 11... will be random facts about me because why not?!?