11..., Lifestyle

11… Ways to Be a Better Antiracist

This is obviously a list by a white lady with white privilege on her own imperfect and perpetual journey to being antiracist. But I am trying. There are better lists out there, but here's mine. A little of my own experiences and a lot of make room for BIPOC.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Joy Bringers

The world has gone to shit... Kidding. The world has always been shit becaus systemic racism is real and has always been real, but the world is finally starting to wake up to it. COVID is making the world a worse place, so I'm thinking about things that bring me joy tonight. Like carousels. I fucking love carousels. So. Damn. Much.

11..., Lifestyle

11… Devastating Things About Raising Puppies

Raising thirteen puppies has been one of the most demanding experiences of my life. It has taken a toll on my body and my mind. I wouldn't trade these past two months for anything in the world; even though, I knew from the moment we decided to keep a very pregnant Tess, it would break my heart into thirteen pieces.