
Christmas Movies

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Happy Christmas Adam!

I’ve been binge watching Christmas movies for a month and a half now. Hallmark and Lifetime movies are the perfect mindless background noise as I work. There are several Christmas movies that are classics, which absolutely can not be background noise. They require my full attention because they are classics for me. They may not be for you, but these are the must watch of the season. I wish they were all on Netflix, but I will let you know when they are!

With only two days left until Christmas, I want to share my favorite seasonal movies! I have a lot, so I’ll keep it short-ish. If you have the time or need new movies, here’s my list:

White Christmas
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I have watched it repeatedly throughout the season. I love the dancing, the singing, the fashion. It’s just an all around perfect movie.

The Muppet Christmas Carol
I loved this year round when I was a kid. As an adult, it’s still my favorite film version of Charles Dickens’ work. Don’t ask me why, but it’s perfect in its puppet glory.

Another rendition of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. This stars Bill Murray, and it’s hilarious. It’s an older movie and fabulous.

The Ref
How does a dysfunctional family plus kidnapping not say Merry Christmas? Also an older movie, it is full of laughs.

Home Alone
Do I need to say more?

The Christmas Chronicles
This is a Netflix original from this year. Kurt Russell plays Santa, and I didn’t know I needed this in my life until I had it.

This is a childhood favorite. There’s something about a girl rescuing a reindeer that speaks to my soul even as an adult.

The Grinch
I don’t know about the 2018 version, but the other two versions are classics. The Jim Carrey version is on Netflix.

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
This claymation classic is a classic. If you haven’t seen it… well, I just have no words. Mostly one question: How??? 

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