Experiences, Travel

Iowa State Fair 2018

Enjoying ice cream from the Dairy Barn!

I grew up going to the Iowa State Fair. It’s a tradition. When I moved out of state, it was difficult to make it back in August. I actually missed four fairs. Fortunately for me, my mom broke her ankle skydiving, and I had an excuse to hang out in Iowa for a month. She managed to wheel herself around the fairgrounds, and I got to be a kid again.

If you’ve never heard of the Iowa State Fair, I feel bad for you. It is actually really well known. It’s listed in a lot of “must see in America” lists or what have you. I can’t describe to you how much fun it is.

The state fair always happens in the middle of August at the Iowa State Fair grounds in Des Moines, Iowa. This year it is from August 9 – August 20.

This year was the first time I went on opening day. It was a Thursday and very hot. It may not be the most pleasant conditions, but it means the fair isn’t jam packed, which I greatly appreciate. There are several air conditioned buildings, so when you need some relief you can have it.

Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite thing to visit at the fair has always been the barns. I love seeing all the animals. Horses, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, all the animals. They’re usually there for shows and competitions. There are usually baby animals there with their mamas. There used to be an area where you could pet the calves, and they would suck on my fingers. Fun fact: cows don’t have upper teeth. Now there is a whole building for baby animals. Chicks hatch. Baby ducks swim in a tiny pond. Pregnant cows, does (goats) and sows (pigs) give birth to calves, kids, and piglets on site throughout the duration of the fair. They’re so cute!!! I would love to have goats someday.

The 4H building is very cool. Kids from all over the state enter their projects in competitions ranging from sewing to photography to cooking to woodwork and more. It’s really impressive, and the kids come up with some really ingenious ideas. Pioneer Hall, The Varied Industries Building, Agriculture Building, and Exhibition Center are other can’t misses.

Butter was a movie made in 2011 starring Jennifer Garner, Olivia Wilde, and others. It is about carving butter in Iowa. Surprise, this is a real thing. The Butter Cow is a must see for most fair goers. What is it? It’s a cow carved out of butter. No joke. There are several other butter sculptures featured at the state fair in the Agriculture Building, but if butter art isn’t your speed, there are tons of flowers to look at.

The fair has a giant slide, which I have done every year, and it never gets old. There are tons of fair rides. Lots of stages for entertainment. The grandstand was redone this past year. Every night of the fair, a band or singer is featured.

Food. Fair food is its own kind of strange. At the Iowa State Fair, you can find literally anything on a stick. No longer is the corn dog king of stick foods. No. You can find cheesecake on a stick, salad on a stick, mac-and-cheese on a stick, butter on a stick, and so much more. I always get a pork tenderloin because it’s Iowa and I love them. I also have to get a funnel cake. Funnel cakes are disgusting, and it is important to just embrace the diabetes when eating it. I also always need to have fresh squeezed lemonade in hand. It’s the best at the fair.

Anyways, this is a basic rundown of the state fair. If you’re in Iowa, you need to go. If you’re not in Iowa, you should plan a trip to enjoy it.     

Iowa State Fair
E. 30th Street & E. University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50317
Instagram: @iowastatefair


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