
Off Goes My Wandering Soul

Happy Tuesday Truth!


I have a wandering soul. I majored in languages at university for so many reasons. A big one being my love for travel. Seeing the world, communicating with people in their native language, and experiencing a culture the way the people do held an immense appeal, so I dedicated a huge portion of my life to learning languages.

A dream of mine for as long as I can remember: finding a way to make traveling my job. I quite literally want to go everywhere, taste all the food, and hear everyone’s story. Nothing trips my trigger quite like setting off on a new adventure.

I’m a freelance editor, writer, and translator. My job doesn’t include traveling; however, I can travel and do my job. I abhorred working in an office with two weeks of paid vacation a year. I was suffocating. I quit very quickly. Freelance was never on my radar as a possibility. Until it happened. It’s been a long road to being a self-sustaining freelancer… Sometimes, I wonder if I’m even there yet. For arguments sake: I arrived! My work can go anywhere, so I do. I go everywhere. I travel so much I wonder if my bed misses me.


One of the attractive things about being a blogger is the fact I can write about my travels. In a way, I am turning traveling into my job! No one is paying me… yet! I remain hopeful. I am always open to collaborating with an five star hotels with a spa.

On Saturday, I left Houston for a month long trip. (I’d be so fired if I had an office gig.) First! I’m in the Chicago area visiting family, enjoying the city, seeing friends, and going to a drag race. Over the weekend, I will be dropping my dog, Beau, off with her grandparents in Iowa as I head to Colorado! I’ll be there doing a whole bunch of outdoorsy shit and content creation for a week and a dayish. Lastly, I’ll be spending time with my family in Iowa for two weeks before my little brother gets married.

So be ready for lots of book reviews, travel posts, and other updates! I have a busy, busy month! I am so excited to bring you along on this big summer adventure of mine! Off to picturesque scenery I go. My wandering soul will be so well traveled after the month; I may just be ready to go home! For a little while anyways.

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