I LOVE Christmas. I really love Christmas.

The holidays are literally my happiest time of the year. I spend two months baking, listening to Christmas movies, wrapping presents, buying presents, making sure the house looks and smells festive. I want everyone who walks in the door to be hit in the face with good cheer and cookies. There’s nothing about the Christmas season I don’t love. That I can think of in this moment. It is absolutely enchanting to me, and it always has been.
I’m friends with a lot of parents. Christmas is four days away, and so many of my parenting friends are over it. In a lot of ways, I DON’T GET IT!!! How can anyone not love the best time of year. In other ways, I totally get it. It’s the time of the year, where your house should look like a magazine all the time because friends and family are coming over. It should look and feel like Christmas. Bake some cookies. Clean. Buy a tree. Clean. Buy presents. Clean. Don’t forget any presents for anyone let alone your friend’s parent’s dog. Put up the tree. Decorate. Clean some more. Throw a party. Go to twelve parties. Make sure you have an ugly Christmas sweater. Clean that thing five more times because life happens and things get dirty.
There is more pressure than any other time of year to be the perfect ‘50s family in a perfect Christmas house brimming with gingerbread cookies, eggnog, and candy canes in every nook and cranny they could even be up your butt. If you don’t know what I’m talking about: turn on the Hallmark channel for fifteen seconds. That’s it. Be that. Anything less than 127.9% happy at all times is not happy enough. If you can’t step in for seventeen of Santa’s elves, You.Are.Failing.Christmas. This is just if you’re breathing. If you’re breathing with kids, the bar is set higher. You have to make Christmas magic for the children and everyone else.
I hate decorating, but I love when my home is decorated, so I suck it up for one day and get it done. Other than that, I love all the things about Christmas because I love having a showroom perfect house (totally anal retentive and OCD); I love listening to nothing but classic Christmas music; any excuse to bake is a good one in my book; I love showering people with presents; I love throwing parties and making sure everyone is 128% happy; I love having an excuse to radiate happiness and wish people well. I am a raging feminist. I am also very much of a Suzy Homemaker in so many ways. I love the Christmas season because it gives me an excuse to go full-RaeAnna on EVERYONE, and no one will think it’s weird for these two months. Christmas epitomizes me as a person, so it makes sense I love it.
Not everyone does. That’s okay!!! I can only imagine how exhausting all of this would be to someone who is not so inclined. I can’t imagine the pressure parents feel to make Christmas perfect. So I’m going to do Christmas my way. I hope you do Christmas your way!!!!
Dylan and I decided to channel “So Over It” by stressed parents on Christmas Eve after the kids have FINALLY gone to sleep waiting for Santa for our Ugly Sweater picture. Even Beau got in on the fun with her ugly sweater. Mine’s not a sweater, but it’s a pretty atrocious dress.
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