Books, NonFiction

Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez

"Men go without saying, and women don't get said at all.” This quote cuts me to the core. Invisible Women, at its core, is about discrimination because the data gap perpetuates gender discrimination and inequity around the world.

Books, NonFiction

Escape from Paris by Stephen Harding

Escape from Paris by Stephen Harding tells the unlikely story of how a German stronghold in the center of Paris became the safest place to hide American refugees.

Books, NonFiction

101 Things I Learned in Law School by Vibeke Norgaard Martin

101 Things I Learned in Law School by Vibeke Norgaard Martin is a great little book filled with humor and levity about how lawyers are not all-knowing but fallible human beings.

Blog + Dog

Water Dog

After adopting Beau, I was thrilled to find out she loves the water and doesn't take crap from a gaggle of audacious ducks. With the Texas heat being turned on high for ten months out of the year, we've been pooling, beaching, all around watering it up for two and a half years.

Books, NonFiction

How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson

How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson is a hilarious and insightful look into the weird world of dating as a semi aware person with a love hate relationship for the opposite gender. Roberson is wildly honest about her Timothee Chalamet obsession, but who am I to judge with my love for bagpipes. She's funny, deep, smart, and intensely real.

Books, Fiction

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes

If you're looking for a harsh yet kind not completely bad book review, look no further. Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes made me sad because the plot sucks. The dialogue is good, but it's definitely nothing more than an escapist read for vacation.