Hi, hey, hello! It’s been a minute. Or a whole bunch of minutes, really.

I chose to take all of January off from this and Instagram. But, if I’m being honest, which I do strive for with varying degrees of success, mostly, because I’m also lying to myself, I’ve been on a hiatus of sorts since March 2020. If it were due to the pandemic, I probably would have been a lot more productive in this venture. Instead, it was the completely unplanned yet concurrent incorporation of a rescue dog and her thirteen puppies into my life three days before lockdown commenced. Keeping Tess and four of her special needs puppers was incredibly draining, especially that first year, so I let the blog and all its bits be ravaged by neglect and the inevitability of time.
Also over the last—almost—three years (Jesus) since my unintentional hiatus, my life has changed drastically while remaining quite similar on the surface. Navigating this new and improved[?] life has been a feat of patience, love, grace, hard work, and a whole lotta just figuring it the fuck out. I made huge life changes. I went from a passing pansexual to a raging lesbian. I’m learning to create boundaries and enforce them. I’ve chosen to be me a lot more fully than ever before. I’m being a lot more honest about my neurodivergence. I’m only allowing awesome people into my life and actively searching out people who help me grow and add to my life. I’m still figuring it the fuck out in the midst of planned disruptions and unexpected tragedies, but I have reached a point where there is a glimmer of peace in the not entirely distant future. This year, shit must change. Or I might be the first documented case of spontaneous human combustion.

Music has always been an integral part of my life, both listening and creating. It’s something I would have a hard time living without. Thank the Goddess below, I was born in a time where I don’t have to live without. In the relativity of humanity, music on demand is incredibly new. The creation of the radio, which was not even for music, was within a century of my birth. And yet, I have the world’s music at my fingertips in technology that can do what would have been unimaginable to the world’s population a mere twenty years ago. I digress into nerdiness.
At my core lies music. As a dancer, a writer, a musician, an activist, a skeptical global inhabitant, music is a way of expressing, feeling, communicating, relaxing, inspiring, and so much more. I have loads of playlists for every occasion, whether they be necessary, hallucinatory, or jocular and all are too long realistically. This year, I chose to make a playlist of songs to keep me in check and also remind me it’s okay to be the bummer that I authentically am. Because, I truly would not have a career or passion or drive without the depression, anxiety, abuse, and neurodivergence that make up the trauma responses I call my personality. So here is my playlist for this year… It is really gay. I will probably add to it on Spotify as the year goes on and I discover new music. So, by 2024, this too will be unrealistically long.

- Head Held High Sera
- B.O.M.B Emlyn
- Fuck Your Labels Carlie Hanson
- Stand in the Light Jordan Smith
- Lighthouse Collabro
- Devil Is A Woman Cloudy Jane
- Safe Place Hannah Hall
- Pillbx Grace Gaustad
- Get Off My Julia Wolf
- Carry You Ruelle
- Strut Emeline
Realistic Bonus Tracks Because I’m Not Completely Delusional
- Stuck in My Head Blü Eyes
- Red Flags Mimi Webb
- by now Vérité
- Lego Blocks NERIAH
- Zero Feelings Zoe Clark
- Not Used to Normal Jillian Rossi
- Bad Timing Rachel Grae
- What Doesn’t Kill You Mutates and Tries Again iamnotshane
- Dreamland Alexis Ffrench
- Shapeshifting Taylor Acorn
- Secrets Mary Lambert
Playlist Link
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