Blog + Dog

Packing Strategy

Beau is not sure what is going on!!! Luggage || Pajamas

I love traveling. I adore it actually. Whenever I road trip, Beau comes with me because she can! It’s not so easy to take a sixty-ish pound furball of anxiety on an airplane; although, I would if I could.

In the short almost two years I’ve had Beau, she has been to more places than a lot of humans. To name a few, she’s seen Hollywood, Washington D.C., Chicago, Minnesota, Arkansas, and played in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico. I am amazed at how well she does in the car. There has never been a bad car trip for us, so she continues to accompany me to all the fun places I go. She’s so spoiled.  

This trip, Beau is at home. I flew, and she can’t come with. It’s a bummer because she loves playing with the horses we see in Minnesota. Although being a Texas pooch, she’s not too keen on the cold weather of the North.

Packing is the biggest challenge for us. The moment Beau sees a suitcases open on the bed, she knows things are happening. Anxiety starts to build. Pacing happens. The shakes ensue. Whining creeps into the apartments newly tense atmosphere. Laying on clothes is inevitable. At the worst of it, climbing into suitcases may occur. I end up taking a good amount of Beau-fur with me because of this tradition.

What is going on, Mama?

I have found a way to curb Beau’s anxiety as much as possible. She must not know I will be doing any packing until the very last minute, whether she is coming with or not. This usually means, I will start packing an hour before I need to leave, which is frustrating to my planning-obsessed-self. If I start any earlier than absolutely necessary, Beau will be too anxious to sleep, eat, or go potty. Not healthy.

I like to pack several days in advance. This way, I don’t over pack, under pack, or forget anything vital. It puts me at ease when everything is organized and dealt with. Ha! Not anymore! Dog mom life. Now it’s a hurry, hurry, hurry. Throw everything in as quickly as you can with lots of pauses to give love to the anxiety riddled pupper. It’s complete chaos, but it works for us, I mean, her.

Anyways, that’s a teeny amount of insight into what an ordeal it can be. I haven’t seen Beau in four days, and I miss her so, so, so, so much.

Beau + RaeAnna


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