I hate books with grammar obsessed protagonists.
As an avid reader, I come across books of all shapes, sizes, and plots. Something that keeps cropping up: main characters with a grammar obsession. It’s overdone and not done well. Writers are a language obsessed group, and grammar is a part of that obsession. It’s appealing to write a character with this specific neurosis because it’s familiar.
I dare you to name one person you truly enjoy being around who is constantly correcting your grammar and how you speak. I can’t come up with one either. No one likes being reprimanded mid-sentence because they used who instead of whom. It’s called conversation; I’m not writing a thesis while talking about my favorite way to prepare a potato. Let’s just have fun and enjoy the company.
As unpleasant as these people are in real life, they are even more unpleasant on the page. I have yet to read a grammar obsessed character I like or relate with or want to know better. They literally never come off as endearing. The author usually tries to sell it as a cute quirk. Not cute. Not a quirk. It’s annoying. It makes me not like your book. Each character has come off as snotty and better than me. I don’t want to waste my time on a character I wouldn’t give the time of day to in real life.
On top of being awful, the books usually have grammar mistakes. This is partially the editors fault, but it’s also the author’s fault. If you’re writing an uppity grammar police of a character, then your prose better be flawless. I mean immaculate. If it’s not, then you come off as a douchy hypocrite, which makes me like you even less.
I’m tired of this trope. Let’s move on from writing these characters. Unless the goal is to make them unlikable, then keep on writing! I will keep on hating.
I love this post. So freaking true. Annoying in real life, annoying in stories. Impossible to like. It’s like taking something that’s an inside writer’s joke, like There, Their, They’re coffee mugs, and beating it to death.