Travel, Travel Eats

Superior Bathhouse Brewery

Superior Bathhouse Brewery in downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas is a must. I go every time I am in town. I have introduced several friends and even family to this lovely place.

Just an 18 beer flight.

Hot Springs, Arkansas is known for their hot springs. Wow! Shocker, I know. Beautiful bathhouses sprung up in downtown for the rich and famous way-back-when. They fell into disrepair for many years. Many have been refurbished because they’re historic, and it would be a tragedy to see the architecture go to waste. There are two which have remained functional bathhouses. One is a store. One is a museum. Another was turned into a BREWERY!

Beau was trying to get in on my root beer.

I am not a drinker anymore, but all my friends and family are. They do have a killer root beer, which I imbibe with much gusto. I am super picky about root beer, so this is a glowing and hard earned recommendation. They have eighteen beers on tap. Some they make themselves; others they bring in. The floor is white hexagon tile with black grout, trés retro. There are tables, a hightop, seats along the huge window front, and picnic benches out front – hello dog friendly! The servers are always lovely and knowledgeable about the beers on tap. It’s a great place to sit and enjoy a drink after or before a day of shopping or spas or just to people watch.

My family got a flight of all 18 beers on tap.

The building they inhabit is Superior Bathhouse, so the name stays true to its roots. It stood vacant for thirty-ish years before Rose Schweikhart moved to Hot Springs in 2011 to open a brewery. It’s the first of its kind in several ways. It is the first and only brewery housed in a U.S. National Park. It took Schweikhart two years to negotiate a lease agreement with the federal government, but she did it! The city is famous for their 144° spring water, which is used at the brewery to brew beer. They are the only brewery in the world to use thermal spring water for brewing. Woah. They opened their doors in 2013 and continually make new and unusual beers to satisfy pallets of all inclination. Seriously. They’re cool. Not only are they are brewery, they are also a full service restaurant and event space. The food is pretty awesome too.

Even Beau loves it!

I love going. I don’t think I have been to Hot Springs without stopping in for a root beer since I discovered it in 2014. I’m a touch obsessed. If you ever stop in and post to Instagram, make sure to use #hotspringsontap.

Superior Bathhouse Brewery
329 Central Avenue
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Opens at 11:00

A mandatory ‘let’s see the cool floor’ picture.

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