I decided to celebrate with a Get To Know Me post because I haven’t done one in, well, ever. Since I have over 6,000 followers, I thought it might be time for you to know more about me as the blogger and person.
- I was born and raised in Ames, Iowa, which is known for being the home of Iowa State University. You’re welcome for peanut butter; George Washington Carver discovered that gem about a mile away from my parents’ house.
- I’m allergic to peanut butter, but didn’t develop that allergy until I was 17. So I know exactly what I’m missing.
- I went to Cornell College and majored in Literature, French, and Russian with an Emphasis in Literary Translation and Analysis. Yup. It’s a mouth full.
- I speak English, French, and Russian. My Spanish is passible. My German is marginal at best.
- I am a freelance editor, writer, and translator. I would love to do more writing.
- I hate wearing pants. I work from home, so I never have to wear pants. My dog starts having mild anxiety attacks whenever I pull pants out of the drawer because she knows that means I’m leaving the house.
- I lived in Aix-en-Provence, which is in Southern France, for a bit during college. If I could live anywhere, I would live there. I also spent some a summer studying literary translation in London.
- I travel all the time because I love it. My dream would be to get paid to travel with my dog.
- My dog is named Beauvoir – for Simone de Beauvoir – but she goes by Beau. She’s a rescue, who I brought home a year and three months ago. She is almost three years old and is the light of my life.
- My favorite genre to read is literary fiction. Although, I also really love British history.
- The top five places I want to see: India, Nigeria, Algeria, Ireland, and Bali.
- I have a passion for advocacy and volunteering. I have spoken and written about my past with sexual and domestic violence because it is really important to me to try and change the world we live in.
- I trained to be a ballerina for years, but stopped because I was too tall to be a ballerina and I had a bunch of injuries.
- I am incredibly goofy and weird. I sing and dance around the house constantly. I tell jokes a lot because I love making people laugh.
- I love fashion and looking good, and I always have. When I was little, my grandma used to make me clothes, and everyone loved them.
- I love fashion, but shopping is a pain in the ass because I’m 5’10”. Clothes, in my budget, are not made for people this height. UGH!!!
- I hate working out. With a passion. I like going for walks, but working out is the worst.
- I LOVE food. I love eating, cooking, baking, and learning about food. I am pretty sure I ate my way through Europe.
There’s a bunch of random information about me.
In my 27th year living, I am focusing on doing. Doing the things I have wanted to do, doing the things I’ve been scared to do, doing the things I should do, and doing more. So that’s my goal! I wrote more about it on my personal blog Unashamed Truths about my Year of Doing.